Witchfire marvel mshrpg
Witchfire marvel mshrpg

I'll take a minute or two when the sun's up to look it over and see what I can come up with. GD precognition is one thing GD fire generation is something else entirely. Resource cost for spells would have to be modified by what the spell affects. ehh.I don't know.I could work a campaign around it.ĭigression aside, I'm thinking for actual "mundane" ritual spells, the casting time would be in minutes or hours.or base in minutes, +1cs (to duration/effect/range) for hours, +2cs for days.Īnd that's not even the real tricky part. If you're doing a straight low-level occult adventurer thing, it still only works (in terms of playability) if there's nothing big and nasty coming your way. a TY rank spell takes 6 days to cast, lasts for 1 round and has a range of either touch or one area.which is great for "realism", I guess.but I'm not sure I'd want to play that out when all the other pc's can shoot laser beams out their eyes at will.hypothetically. Days seem a little long for your average "dabbler" to be casting something, especially since they are still limited in spell rank by their resources rank AND the results would still be determined by the chart for range/duration/area of effect, i.e. The established rules in the APB say that a ceremony is casting a spell for a number of rounds=to rank #, which is already built into this method. If these are the rules for "quick casting"/kit-bashing, then (and this is off the top of my head) a proper ritual/ceremony would follow the same rules. I'm thinking things start to get tricky from here on out. > It seems like an excellent start, I would love to The average “street mage” with TY resources is just…on the receiving end of loveless sex… “Mages” with high enough resources -at the judges discretion - can be assumed to be able to cast effects at 3cs or more column shifts less than their resources rank PROVIDED they have created (or learned…which I haven’t figured out yet…DnD mages personal spell book? Reduced karma cost from the advanced rules on learning a new spell? (Amateurishly) casting directly from existing spell books?.) in advance prior to casting (which is vague…all that should translate to “you CAN make shit up on the fly, but it’s going to take that much longer to pull off whatever you’re trying to do”). +1CS for each applicable talent (examples Also, since spell is essentially a kit-bashed ritual, the effects will only last 1d10 rounds.


Most PC spell casters will be limited to -at best–RM ranked effects and none of them will be worth a damn in combat. Creating the spell is a Reason + Occult Lore (and/or other apllicable talents like Mystic Origin) FEAT, having the means to cast the spell requires a Resources FEAT, and - unlike true spell casting - casting the spell requires a second Reason + whatever FEAT…if the FEAT fails or the mage is interrupted, the components are “used up” and the mage is stuck waiting another week to make the purchase for the materials. The main benefit (and drawback) of this system is that it provides another alternative to the term “Magical Ability”.

witchfire marvel mshrpg

Yet another is - regarding non-damaging or indirectly damaging spells in one round –is the limited area of effect: you could open a dimensional aperture to the Dark Dimension, but it would be hard as hell to fit anything through it.

witchfire marvel mshrpg

Another disadvantage is that (one assumes) the more expensive the material components, the more you have to carry (or co-opt from the environment…). The key disadvantage is that anything that could be cast in a single round (to go into effect the following round) is FB rank…clearly not well designed for attack or defense (but goes well with the Constantinian caveat of magic: “When you absolutely, positively need it to work, it doesn’t.”). This system has automatic advantages and disadvantages built into it.

witchfire marvel mshrpg

The “spell-components”/resources FEAT would have to be made in advance and the caster’s resources rank would limit the maximum “spell level”.

witchfire marvel mshrpg

The “spell-caster” would roll initiative to determine when he begins the “micro-ritual” (which would allow him to be interrupted during casting) and the effect would not occur until the same point of initiative in the round the “spell” concludes. The “level” of the “micro-ritual” is determined by the highest ability rank as is the number of rounds it takes to cast. To be resolved: If Creating an Artifact is like building Hardware by process of performing a Ceremony, then Ritual Magic/”Hedge magic”/DnD-style spell-casting is like Kit-Bashing. Kind of related to Nightmask's thread "Workshop On: Magic Tech".just finished up reading this months Justice League Dark and had a bit of a brain storm.

Witchfire marvel mshrpg